Why Is Nobody Else In The UK Doing Print on Demand Candles?

Discover unparalleled quality with Bottled Goose, your trusted partner for premium printed products. With years of expertise, we've perfected a rigorous quality control process, constantly evolving to exceed expectations. Our cutting-edge printing equipment guarantees consistently superior prints. Explore the convenience of our print-on-demand service, seamlessly integrating your store with our platform. Select from our distinctive product range to showcase your designs effortlessly. Say goodbye to stock management hassles; we handle it for you, ensuring swift order dispatch directly to your customers.


Firstly, sign up to our print on demand service by clicking here. Once you’re signed up, install our shopify app.


The UK market, known for its innovation and creativity, seems to have a gap when it comes to Print on Demand candles. This begs the question, why has this niche remained untapped? Let's delve into the reasons behind this and how Bottled Goose has stepped up to fill this void with our unique Print on Demand candles.

Print on Demand UK Printed Candles

The Challenges of Print on Demand Candles

Stock Levels and Specialised Knowledge

A significant challenge in offering Print on Demand candles is the requirement for substantial stock levels and specialised knowledge in candle manufacturing. Most companies shy away from this commitment due to space constraints or lack of expertise. Bottled Goose, however, embraces this challenge, maintaining a vast inventory and deep understanding of candle crafting, setting us apart in the UK market.

Advanced Printing Machinery: A Rarity

Another hurdle is the need for state-of-the-art cylindrical printing machinery, which is not widely available. Our investment in the leading cylindrical printing technology worldwide allows us to produce top-quality products. This specialised equipment, coupled with our team's expertise, enables us to offer a service that's rare in the UK.

Overcoming Traditional Printing Methods

Traditional printing methods like sublimation are unsuitable for candles as they involve heat, risking melting the wax. Our approach uses advanced digital printing, bypassing these issues and ensuring high-quality, full-wrap designs that our competitors, who often resort to simple sticker applications, cannot match.

How We Are Making a Difference with Print on Demand Candles

Having addressed the why, let's explore how we are redefining the personalised candle market in the UK.

Unparalleled Customisation

We stand alone in our ability to offer unlimited colours and full-wrap designs on candles. This means each candle can be a true representation of the giver's sentiments, be it for Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, or any special occasion.

Tailored for Every Occasion

Our Print on Demand candles in the UK are perfect for those seeking a personalised touch for gifts. From Father's Day to Christmas, our candles add a unique and personal element, making them more than just a gift but a memorable experience.

Setting a New Standard

By overcoming the challenges that have deterred others, we are proud to offer a product that sets a new standard in personalised gifting. Our candles are not just gifts; they are personalised tokens of affection, thoughtfully crafted and uniquely designed.


Our foray into Print on Demand candles in the UK fills a significant gap in the market. By tackling the challenges head-on and leveraging advanced technology, we have created a unique product line that stands out in the realm of personalised gifts.

Discover our range of personalised candles here. To gain a deeper insight into our innovative approach, read our detailed case study on candles here.

Join us in this exciting journey as we light up the world of personalised gifting, one candle at a time!

Print on Demand UK Printed Candles


Elevate your print-on-demand experience with Bottled Goose, a premier service specialising in cylindrical printing. Explore our exclusive product range, designed to seamlessly enhance your store offerings. Unlock a myriad of key features:

  • Consistent high-quality prints on every order.
  • Vivid full-colour CMYK printing for stunning results.
  • Directly connect your store to our print-on-demand service—skip third-party hassles.
  • Enjoy exceptional customer service from our dedicated team, ready to address your inquiries.

Revolutionise your printing game — sign up for our top-notch print-on-demand service today!

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