Our End-to-End Process: Print on Demand Platform

At Bottled Goose, we pride ourselves on delivering quality printed products. Through the years we've built a robust quality control process and we’re continuously working on improving it. Our state-of-the-art printing equipment ensures the highest quality print, time and time again. Our print-on-demand service allows you to connect your store to our platform, meaning you can choose from our unique range of products to place your designs on. We hold the stock so you don’t have to and dispatch your order directly to your customers.

Print on Demand UK Printed Candles

Our end-to-end process:

  1. Firstly, click here to sign up to our Print on Demand platform. This will lead you to a sign up form where you can enter your information to join.
  2. Link our software to your Shopify store by downloading the Shopify app.
  3. Use our customiser to create products you can add to your store. Choose a product from the product library and click download artboard to download our template for creating your artwork. Select a product from our product library. We highly recommend downloading the artboard and adding your designs to it. Please familiarise yourself with our Artwork Guide.
  4. Once your artwork is ready (or if you want to use the customiser clipart to create your artwork), click on ‘Create My Own’, which will create a new SKU within ‘My Products’.
  5. To activate the editor, press ‘Save’ now press ‘Edit Design’.
  6. Once you’ve added your artwork to the customiser, click ‘Generate Preview’. If you’re happy with how it looks, click ‘Final Preview & Save’.
  7. Then select ‘Save & Exit’ or ‘Return to Editor’ if you’re not finished.
  8. Fill out the product information:
    - Product Name
    - Product Description 

    - Price that you want to sell the product for

    - If it is a candle, fill in the candle information
    * Select the Shopify store to which you want to upload the product to.

    - All this information will carry across to your Shopify store with the product photos. Press save.
  9. Click ‘Publish’ to publish the product to your selected store. You can have multiple stores connected to the same SKU.
  10. Once you receive an order for your product, you will find it in the pending jobs tab within ‘My Orders’ You need to put money in your wallet to pay for the product before we start processing your order. Once Paid, the status will change to paid.
  11. Once Bottled Goose has checked your order and accepted it, it will move from the Pending tab to Accepted. The Status for that job will change from ‘Accepted’ to ‘In production’ when we start printing your order.
  12. You will find your order in ’My Orders’, under ‘Pending Jobs’. If you’re happy to let the job go to production, click on ‘Accept Job(s)’.
  13. Once your job has been dispatched it will move from ‘In Production’ to ‘Fulfilled Jobs’ where you’ll be able to see the tracking number for the job.


Elevate your print-on-demand experience with Bottled Goose, a premier service specialising in cylindrical printing. Explore our exclusive product range, designed to seamlessly enhance your store offerings. Unlock a myriad of key features:

  • Consistent high-quality prints on every order.
  • Vivid full-colour CMYK printing for stunning results.
  • Directly connect your store to our print-on-demand service—skip third-party hassles.
  • Enjoy exceptional customer service from our dedicated team, ready to address your enquiries.

Revolutionise your printing game — sign up for our top-notch print-on-demand service today!

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